
Please contact the church office if you have any questions
or are interested in more information about our teams.

  • Christian Education Team

    The Christian Education Ministry Team facilitates the teaching of the Good News of Jesus Christ and nurtures discipleship in children, youth, and adults of our church family, community and beyond. The team selects the curriculum for Sunday School, enrolls, trains, assigns and supports teachers, oversees Rally Sunday, Christmas Programs, Second Grade Bibles, and gives First Communion support. 

  • Church Properties Team

    The church properties team inspects and inventories all church properties, equipment and maintenance supplies. The team shall oversee maintenance and repairs of all church properties. It shall set a budget for maintenance and repairs. The principals of this team may be carried out either by team members or in cooperation with other congregational members.

    Contact Marty Rye: 262-443-9980

  • palanca Deacons

    The purpose of the Deacons Team is to nurture the spiritual life of the pastors, youth workers and congregation members and provide spiritual guidance in everything pertaining to the worship and spiritual growth of the congregation. They meet every Wednesday at 5:30pm.

  • Welcome Team

    The Evangelism Ministry Team coordinates the efforts of the members of OSLC to share with others the knowledge of Christ, encourage visitors to worship and become members, and to aid in keeping current members active in the pursuit of knowing Christ.

    Contact Shannon Matzdorf: 218-879-6345

  • Fellowship

    The Fellowship Team promotes a sense of community and caring among the members of this congregation, their families and friends by providing opportunities for fellowship through special events throughout the year. The team is responsible for budgeting, planning and promoting these events. Special events may include: Christmas Shoe boxes, Giving Tree, Summer Family Picnic with Outdoor Worship, Spring Event, Potlucks, and New Member Receptions. 

    Contact Jan Larson: 218-878-1281

  • Stewardship

    The Stewardship team helps the members of Our Saviors grow in response to God’s love and grace by encouraging "first fruits" giving of time, talents, and resources. The team is responsible for an annual stewardship program with complete records and results of each program maintained in the electronic files of the church. The team assists in team leadership growth by developing training and programs as needed to help people grow in their faith in God and in their Christian leadership skills. The team uses the gifts and talents inventory completed by Our Saviors members to help ensure spiritual growth of each volunteer and to coordinate those volunteer opportunities.   

    Contact Mary Krohn: 218-310-2682

  • Children, Youth, and family Ministry

    For youth to know Christ, to love Christ and to live for Christ.  

    The Youth Ministry Team will advise and be a sounding board to the person leading youth ministry. Together, we will find ways to involve youth in programs, to have fun together, to teach faith formation and generate opportunities for discipleship, and to include all generations in youth ministry whenever possible.

  • Small Group Ministries

    Bible Study

    Cover-to-Cover Book Club

    Contact Jan Larson: 218-878-1281


    Contact Irene Rudnicki: 218-879-4809

  • Worship, Arts and Music

    The ministry team of Worship, Arts and Music designs reverent, inspiring and joyous worship experiences for members of this congregation and for visitors. The ministry team shall seek to create a sense of faithful praise and true community during worship, to make all attending feel welcome, to nurture their spiritual life and to fulfill the true mission of the Church, which is discipleship. In keeping with the Lutheran tradition the ministry team shall ensure that music and the arts are a regular and vital component of worship services that reflect the faith and mission of the congregation.

    Contact Brad Browers: 218-384-4000

  • Mission Endowment

    Started in 1993 with its primary goal to receive invest and distribute funds for the direct or indirect benefit of the congregation. Funds are created as the result of the accumulation of many gifts, either during lifetime, by will or otherwise effective at the time of death, from members and friends of the congregation.

    Contact Curt Nelson: 218-879-4401

  • Gifts & Memorials

    The purpose of the Gift and Memorial Committee at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church is two-fold. The committee seeks to assist people as they make memorial gifts and gifts of honor at special times. The committee also oversees the accounting, investing and disbursing of memorial and other designated gift funds. The committee meets regularly to discuss current needs and opportunities.  

    Contact Brad Browers: 218-384-4000

  • Preschool Board

    We are currently seeking new Preschool Board members!  It is a 2-year term and we meet every month.  If you or someone you know is interested, please have them contact Angel Gamache.  I will be happy to answer any questions you may have! 

    218-879-7138 or